Duncan Idaho – ActionFigure Brasil

R$ 1,208.90

Duncan Idaho

R$ 1,208.90 BRL

em até 6x de R$ 201.48


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  • O produto se encontra na lista de espera exclusiva para ActionFigureBrasil. Você entrará na fila em vários países comprando conosco e não precisará se preocupar com vagas na lista de espera do fabricante. Sobre o produto: ActionFigureBrasil and Dark Horse Comics are proud to present the Duncan Idaho figure! Duncan Idaho is a tactical combat expert and confidant loyal to House Atreides. The...

    Tags: ActionFigureAmerica , Dark Horse Comics , Duncan , Duncan Idaho , Dune , Idaho , Waitlist

Sobre o produto:

ActionFigureBrasil and Dark Horse Comics are proud to present the Duncan Idaho figure! Duncan Idaho is a tactical combat expert and confidant loyal to House Atreides. The most gifted Swordmaster in the Known Universe, he is the eyes and ears of the Duke, always watching the horizon in a world of unknown dangers. Fiercely loyal; there are few in the galaxy that can match his swordsmanship. This hand-painted figure is posed in a combat stance, as Duncan Idaho is always ready for battle.

Detalhes Adicionais:

Product Size
Height: 9.5" (24 cm) *

Box Size
Height: 7.25" (18 cm)
Width: 10.25" (26 cm)
Depth: 12.00" (30 cm) *

Shipping Weight
1.94 lbs (0.9 kg) *

R$ 1,208.90 BRL

em até 6x de R$ 201.48