Gandalf the Grey (Ultimate Edition) - LIMITED EDITION: 250 (Premium Edition) – ActionFigure Brasil

R$ 33,704.90

Gandalf the Grey (Ultimate Edition) - LIMITED EDITION: 250 (Premium Edition)

R$ 33,704.90 BRL

em até 6x de R$ 5,617.48


O produto se encontra na lista de espera exclusiva para ActionFigureBrasil. Você entrará na fila em vários países comprando conosco e não precisará se preocupar com vagas na lista de espera do fabricante. Sobre o produto: The second half scale with full-body statue of “The Lord of the Rings,” the wizard Gandalf is coming. The Fellowship is beginning to take shape. The...

Tags: 250 , ActionFigureAmerica , EDITION , Gandalf , Grey , Infinity Studio X Penguin Toys , LIMITED , Premium , the , The Lord of the Rings , Ultimate

O produto se encontra na lista de espera exclusiva para ActionFigureBrasil.

Você entrará na fila em vários países comprando conosco e não precisará se preocupar com vagas na lista de espera do fabricante.

The second half scale with full-body statue of “The Lord of the Rings,” the wizard Gandalf is coming. The Fellowship is beginning to take shape. The Gandalf the Grey (Premium Edition) Statue belongs to the 1/2 Scale Master Forge Series, where Infinity Studios and Penguin Toys adopted the iconic character to a half-scale but with a full body of exquisite details delicately and lovingly restored, giving this item the ultimate presence. It is designed to meet the desire of collectors to pursue the ultimate class in their The Lord of the Rings collection.

1/2 Master Forge Series statues are equipped with NFC chips that collectors can touch with their NFC-enabled phones to unlock more information and create even more possibilities.

This statue approximately stands at an impressive 61.42" tall from base to the tip of the blade Glamdring and features a PVC-molded head piece with meticulously-detailed, sculpted hair.

The portrait details the folds and wrinkles on the face, making Gandalf’s age more vivid. The dramatic expression conveys the determination and courage of Gandalf when he fought against the demon Balrog.

The Gandalf the Grey (Ultimate Edition) Statue features:


  • Glamdring (also called the Foe-hammer): a hand-and-a-half sword, forged for Turgon, the Elven King of Gondolin during the First Age, and later owned by Gandalf
  • Moria Staff: Given by Galadriel after Gandalf escapes from Orthanc. This is the staff Gandalf used when facing Balrog.

The gem of the on the staff can be lit up by pressing a button. 


  • Real Fabrics, linen, and pleather were used when making the outfit for Gandalf. The belt and the strap of the scabbard have undergone several optimizations to be more accurate to the movie.


  • The design of the base embodies Balrog and flames, equipped with breathing lights to create a more on-the-spot atmosphere.
  • The base is also embedded with an NFC chip specially made for our 1/2 Scale Master Forge Series.
  • Use a mobile phone with an NFC function to scan close to it, you will be directed to a page corresponding to the product for more information.

Fabric , Fiber , Polystone , PVC , Silicone
View in AR
See in AR (Mobile Device)
Product Size
Height: 61.42" (156 cm)
Width: 20.87" (53 cm)
Depth: 24.41" (62 cm)
Weight: 44.09 lbs (20 kg) *

Oversized Item: The shipping cost will be calculated on dimensional weight rather than product weight for this item due to its oversized dimensions. It may also ship in multiple boxes.

©New Line Productions, Inc. All right reserved. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship pf the Ring, The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King and the names of the characters, items,events and places therein are trademarks of The Sual Zaentz Company d/b/a Middle-earth Enterprises under license to New Line Productions, Inc.

R$ 33,704.90 BRL

em até 6x de R$ 5,617.48

